Chromis die easily?


I just got three green chromis yesterday, they all seemed to be doing well, (one hid for a bit but came out this morning), they were all eatting and swimming around with my clownfish. It was the same this morning and afternoon. But I noticed this evening that one was suddenly hiding and had a spot of scales gone by his tail (one other fish has a few scales gone but seems fine). He then wouldn't eat and seemed in a daze. Now he is panting real hard and sort of floating above the gravel. I seen no aggeresion between any of the fish. Is death common in chromis? or did I get a faulty batch? And do you think I should take the others back? I don't think it's my water (the pH is a wee bit low) because I have pods and my shrimp just molted the other night and the clownfsh are as healthy as ever. Please help!!

bean 1

I had a similar problem with the green chromis that I bought. I purchased 3 several months back. They looked great and didn't seem to have any problems. All 3 were eating and doing well for 2 days. When I woke up on the 3rd day 2 had become breakfast for my clean up crew. I have been in the hobby for a year now. I have 15 or so fish in my 3 tanks and the only fish I have ever lost were chromis. I have the 1 original chromis and he is as healthy as can be but I'm not sure as to why the other 2 didn't make it. I even tried to introduce 2 more chromis to the aquarium 4-5 months later and the sole surviving chromis attacked them relentlessly until they both died. I have lost 4 fish since I started keeping saltwater aquariums and they have all been green chromis. I'm a little jealous of some folks pics on here because their chromis have all done well. Who knows? Maybe the chromis that my LFS has sold me have all been doomed from the get go!
Hope yours make it!...Bean 1/2/3