
I was looking into the Blue Reef Chromis for my tank but just wanted to make sure that they would school. Do any chromis have a better personality than others? thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlackBarracuda
I was looking into the Blue Reef Chromis for my tank but just wanted to make sure that they would school. Do any chromis have a better personality than others? thanks
Chromis are schooling fish. They usually are fairly aggressive towards one another. I found frequent feedings (2x a day plus an active and productive refugium) goes a long way in diminishing agressiveness and keeping them alive.


Active Member
we had 4 blue chromis they were always together and always near the top of the water, i never saw them being aggresive with each other (i wouldnt doubt it though) they were however aggresive at feeding time towards all the other fish that dared to venture towards the upper levels of the tank they were very active - not much personality in my opinion though


Most damsels (chromis being one of them) will school. The only problem that you will experience down the road, is that chromis do become aggressive towards their own kind and will kill off the weaker ones in the group. This will continue until only a few are left.