

Will blue and green chromis school together.
I had bought 5 pack of the green ones and my clown killed three of them off. So since this is more then 1 time my clown has been aggressive to new comers i traded him in. But now my two that are left are not getting along well. My pet store had blue (im pretty sure) chromis will they school with the green ones. They don't look diff. from the others??


Active Member
No they won't.
If its the blue chromis i'm thinking of....
THere are two different types of green chromis out there but the only difference i've read is a plack dot at the base of their side fin. Better to get more green chromis. The two you currently have are squabbling. I have a pair and the bigger one chases the smaller one all the time. So long as they aren't tearing fins then they should be ok. They are just establishing dominance.


Mine do not have the black dot .. and in my they do not look very green. I got them from I think the ones at the fish store look pretty close to the same. its had to tell because they look diff. under diff lighting.


Active Member
Well they can be a very pale green/whiteish, to a very vibrant light green that fades to blue at the edges of their bodies. Yes they do look different under certain light. Are they listed at the store as blue chromis? I've never seen green chromis listed as blue chromis before. There is a "blue chromis" per say but it looks very diffferent than a green. If they have the same body shape exactly then go ahead and get them. There is a distinct difference from a blue damsel/chromis and a green chromis/damsel.....


in the store they have them marked blue/green chromis ?? they do look like mine.
Thanks all for the replys not sure yet what im gonna do. If my guys start acting like there gonna tear each other a new hole then I probaly do it.