chrystal clear


Active Member
proper filtration and maintaining all the right water parameters.
don't overload the tank, don't overfeed, and do the proper water changes on schedule.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
proper filtration and maintaining all the right water parameters.
don't overload the tank, don't overfeed, and do the proper water changes on schedule.
All of the above are indeed critical to having crystal clear tank water. That being said, any tank will generate debris and even with a good biological filtration system that keeps water quality as good as possible, I am a strong beleiver in having a good canister filter whose main job is "water polishing". I do not have any algae issues in my tank, once I got the items quoted above under control, but when I do things like scrape the inside glass w/a razor blade the canister filter removes all that stuff from the water column, as well as uneaten food debris. I keep about 6 filter cartridges on hand so I always have a clean one ready to pop in and keep the water clear.


Active Member
weekly water changes and I rinse out my sponge's in fresh saltwater every week also. And all of the above


Active Member
with all that said..water can still be clouded by some invert or fish who like to pick at rock or dig in the sand. so that is also something to think about..