

New Member
I have a 135 gallon tank and would like to introduce some cleaners, At the moment a have 2 oscilaros clowns, 4 damsels ie humbugs and fijian, and a pair of cardinals, what would be the most appropriate cleaners? I would also like to put in a niger trigger in soon! Is the niger ok with what I have? :help:


First off Welcome to the boards! Second I would reccomend posting in the "New Hobbyist" forum, since the "Aquarium" is for non fish topics. If this is your first tank, I would say just start out with some hermit crabs and snails. They are the cleaners that everyone needs, then later on get some more. All triggers are agressive and will pick off any smaller fish. Since some of your fish will stay on the smaller side I would say no on the Niger. Also damsels can be a real pain, since they get fast, mean and some get big. If you can, I would reccommend taking them to an lfs and trade them in for somthing else. Hope this helps and good luck with the tank!


New Member
Thankyou for your reply, I bought 5 turbo snails today, do you have any suggestions on how to remove the damsels? I have alot of lr approx 110lbs,and there is alot of hiding space..


Originally Posted by saba
Thankyou for your reply, I bought 5 turbo snails today, do you have any suggestions on how to remove the damsels? I have alot of lr approx 110lbs,and there is alot of hiding space..

Well first off the fiji damsel will grow mean, but I am not sure on the humbugs, so I will have to check back on that. The turbo snails are a good start as long as there is a lot of algae for them to eat. Also picking up some hermit crabs would be good to since they will eat everything the snails won't.


New Member
I will be getting some hermits this weekend, we have a local beach that I can pick them up from! I really am keen on this Niger(redtooth) it seems timid with the fish its with at the moment, one been a red flame angel, size of my oscilaris.. :happyfish


cool, how big is the niger, I have never kept one and it would help on seeing what fish can stay or may have to leave.


New Member
I finally bought him today, his approx 10 cm long, he is a bit nervous in the tank at the moment hiding behind the lr, u should get one, nice fish...


ok but is he starts picking on other fish, i would have a back up plan
Good luck with him
:happyfish :cheer: