Chunk out of Flame Angel's Head


I posted this in the fish dis. to, but figured I should post it here to.
I purchased a Flame angel and he seems to be a little clutsy. I think he's run in to a sharp piece of Rock or something and has a rather large chuck missing on his head. Looks white, seems to be hiding a lot (though normal since he's new) and not eating as much as I would like he should be, though he is eating.
Here are my concerns:
1) He may get in infection.
a) Can this infection spead to other fish?
b) I'm guessing I should monitor him for infection? What is the first sign?
c) If I see infection, what do I treat him with? Of course in a QT tank, but what sort of meds if any?
2) Does this sort of wound heal or will he always have a piece of his head missing?
3)Should I just QT him now even though he looks ok? Hate to stress him if he's ok.
Anything else?
Will I risk my fish to anything by leaving him in the Display?
Thanks all.


Staff member
Being a "klutz" is not likely. Did you see how the fish came by this injury? What other fish do you have in the tank?
Can you post a pic?


I have:
1- hippo tang
1- Yellow tan
2 - Perc Clowns
1- Scarlet Cleaner shrimp
1 - Blood red fire shrimp.
Red leg hermits.
Not sure who would have taken a bite out of him :)
I'll try and get a close-up in the morning (he's sleeping now...)


Staff member
That really does look like a big bite. Have you noticed any aggression since this happened? When trying to watch for aggression, you have to really spend some time doing it, sometimes, and be sure that the fish don't see you looking.
If you don't see aggression going on, and there is no more injuries, better wait for the QT since it isn't cycled. Is this fish eating?


Beth, I want to first thank you very everything you're doing. It's been great advise.
I noticed the bite about 24 hours after he was placed in the tank. When I placed him in there the only things that were in there before him were: Clowns, shrimp, and Hippo tang. Maybe the one of the clowns took a nip at him.
Stinks that I don't have my QT up and running. I had it running for about 6 months, then wen't down to test the water and it showed now signs of bact. none, so I restarted it 2 weeks ago and it's still in the Ammonia phase.
Haven't noiced to much aggression going on, watched them from a distance for about 30 mins to an hour last night and they all seem peaceful. I wonder if the Hippo, or the clowns were a little territorial at first and now they're better???
Flame has been really really shy, hidding behind the rocks and jumpy to movement outside the tank. Other then that, eating like a charm. See him picking at the algae all day long and when I feed flakes he eats, and when I feed my home brew of blended goodies, he eats that as well.
Seems to be doing better, I hope he doesn't catch an infection or something. I've upped the Garlic a little in my "home brew" food, and might go out and get something with beta gluten ( I think that's it)
Thanks again. Do you think after the QT tank is cycled I should move him? Or if he's doing fine in the 2 more weeks it takes to cycle, just to leave him in there?
Thanks agian.


Staff member
My bet would be the other clown took him for another clown [intruder] due to the similar coloration and size, and bit into him. Now that he has had a chance to see that this is not "a clown" he will leave him alone. Clowns have some nice choppers on them, in case you didn't know. I get bit by mine every time I have to put my hands in the tank.
Add some soaked garlic food to the diet. Acts as a natural antibiotic. If the fish wound starts to heal up, you can add zoecon alternaitively to soak the food. Zoecon has Omega3 which is a good immune booster. Very good for skin problems.