

Active Member
She's doing great! Unfortunately she is not in the new tank yet because of some problems with temperature fluctuations. The heat exchanger does not seem to be working properly because the tank is fluctuating about 8 degrees every day, and we want to have that fixed before anything new goes in (for obvious reasons).
How's the smoothound doing? Getting any bigger?

tony detroit

Active Member
Little bit bigger, the leopard is a beast, probably 18''now.The smoothie jumped out of a 1'' crack last weekend when we were feeding it and got stuck in the light fixture. Other than that, he's doing good. I may have to get rid of this leopard soon. When I put food in for the ray the leopard always gets to it first so I end up stuffing the leopard and the ray only gets 2 or 3 pieces. I may need to start using a feeding stick to target feed.


Tony D
You have any pictures of your setup. I would be really interesed in seeing it.