cinnamon clown


Ok, I have 2 cinnamon clowns I bought 8 mos. ago, along with a long tentacle anenome. At first they shared the LT, but that didn't last long. I guess they weren't a true mated pair. Anyway the smaller of the two, which I guess is the male, has been getting pretty bad over the last couple of weeks. He seems to be losing weight, scales and fins tattered, and his color isn't very good either. He still is active mostly, except when he is hiding from the female behind the overflow box. He stilll eats very well. I have been soaking his food in garlic extreme. I don't know what good that does other than enticing a non-eater to eat. They don't seem to fight alot, but even when they do the male seems to fight back. I'm at a loss on this one and could use some good help. I don't want to loose my other clown, and definately don't want to disease my tank. I don't have a QT set-up so that isn't really an option.:help: :help: :help:


just go to some where like wallmart and buy a little 10 gal take out the female and qt her then let the male get bat to full stringth and wate till his fins are all back together and let him get used to being in the LT and once he is go to go let the female back in to the tank and see what happens.
cheap and easy
or you could try to get a nother LT or some other anemone for him or her as the case may be.