Cinnamon Clownfish : )


I got a cinnamon clown today..yay.anyone no anything about this fish?.. :cheer: :jumping: :cheer: :jumping: :cheer:


Active Member
well lets see.....

Amphiprion melanopus (cinnamon clownfish)
well this fish gets to about 5 inches at maximum size
come from the western and south pacific area
needs to be in a minimum 30 gallon aquarium
very easy to take care of, eats various food from meaty to herbivore
ideal for reef tanks..... often fights with other damsil fish though as an adult keep it singularly or in mated pairs otherwise they will fight ..... these fish associate with bubble tip anemones and leathery anemones but dont require one to survive....
well theres a basic overview of your new fish.... hope u have fun with him :jumping: