

How much circulation does everyone use? I am currently using a Marineland 350 Magnum canister Pro w/ Bio-Wheels and was considering putting a powerhead in the two back corners on my 72 gallon SW (obviously not the 12SW or 20FW haha :D ). Opinions? or you can just vote.
Poll Explanation:
Use this formula: circulation (GPH) / tank size (gallons)


If my calculations are correct 17.44 per hour, turn over.
125 gal AQA dual overflows
(1) Little Giant 3-mdqxc return pump (800 gal at 6ft)
(4) Maxi-Jet 1200 (295 gal/hr)
(1) Power Sweep 212 (125 gal/hr)
Yes, that is a Power Sweep. It's a pain to keep clean, but it mixes things up pretty good when it works. Keeps me from running my Tsunami, which doesn't cycle fast enough for my taste.


in my 75, one power sweep left high, on the right low is a rio 60 above that is a penguin ph with airhose to shoot bubbles along the back in a sincronized motion. Then there is the ecosystem, it shoots water along the surface. got rid of the fluval 404 w/spraybar (in the basement waiting just in case) I have no idea as to how much water is moving but it sure is keeping things going in my FO tank
I dont understand this concept of t/o per hour?
I have a 404 fluval running
2 301 powerheads .. one on each side of tank facing into the middle towrd my new LR reef.
Oh and the backpack 2 with the blue stuff in it.
Is this enough?? How do I figure this out? I was thinking of buying the larger powerheads but i figured with 2 this should B ok. I didnt want TOO much current..
What are your thought??
Just put in 20 more pounds of LR (cured) today too..SO exciting!
Thanking you kindly, Kim:D


Ok, it's unanomous. Off I go to buy a couple power heads.
In reguards to turnover, each of your water pumping devices has a GPH (gallons per hour) rating on it. A GPH rating specifies how many gallons that device can pump in 1 hour. You have a Hagan Fluval 404 @ 340GPH, 2 Hagan Aquaclear 301s @ 174GPH each, and a backback 2 @ 150GPH(?). Add the GPH ratings together = 838GPH. Now divide your GPH by the size of your tank: 838 / 75 = 11. 11 is your turnover. So, all the water in your aquarium goes through your filtration system 11 times in 1 hour. Look at the survey, you'll notice that's very good!


Hi, I run a 75 with 3 Maxi-jet 1200's, 1 power sweep 228, and use a Rio 3100 for return. This puts me around 20X. As far as i know as long as the sand does not get stirred up, you can not have enough circulation. HTH