Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis (Social Fairy Wrasse)


Curious to whether anyone has experience with this fish? I am interested in it but need to know if he is invert safe and/or aggressive to other fish. ANy info would be appreciated. Added a pic also, beautiful fish.


Active Member
It won't bother inverts. Any aggression would be towards another male wrasse of the same species. I've kept them before. Very pretty fish. I wouldn't keep one with any aggressive/pushy fish. They are good jumpers and it doesn't take much to make them launch


Active Member
Great fish. They do jump.
Mine minded his own business and took care of my brisleworms. I miss him a lot. He was replaced by cigar wrasse, which are also great fish (I'm a wrasse fiend) but will soon cause an upgrade, they get big.