Citron Goby bumps?


My husband has a citron goby that is housed with two black and white perculas. Last night I noticed the goby has a bit of a swollen belly and a few clusters of white spots on his tummy. The perculas appear to be fine.
Any ideas?


Staff member
How long have you had the goby? What did the white spots look like? Swolleness within the fish abdomen? Or, something attached to the belly?
Is the fish eating, swiming normally? Eating? How does he look today?



Originally posted by Beth
How long have you had the goby? What did the white spots look like? Swolleness within the fish abdomen? Or, something attached to the belly?
Is the fish eating, swiming normally? Eating? How does he look today?

He's been in that tank for almost 2 years.
The spots are in a cluster attached to his belly, but his belly (to me) seems to look similar to a Fresh Water bloat. He does seem to be eating/acting normally. I just noticed it yesterday and I immediately checked his two tank mates but they seem fine.
it's a 30 gallon tank w/lots of corals.
btw: i had my husband add some garlic extract today & advised him to keep using it (i use it in my tank daily)


Staff member
You should use the garlic on the food, not in the tank [if that is what you mean].
Do you have a QT set up? This problem sounds like digestive track infection and may well need a course of antibiotics. How is the situation today?



Originally posted by Beth
You should use the garlic on the food, not in the tank [if that is what you mean].
Do you have a QT set up? This problem sounds like digestive track infection and may well need a course of antibiotics. How is the situation today?

I do use it in the food, sorry. :)
The spots have lessened but his belly still seems distended to me. He eats and acts fine, however.
I don't have a QT, but I have enough buckets, powerheads, heaters, etc to make one.
I'm honestly just not sure what to treat him for...?



Originally posted by Terry B
Do the spots look like little cauliflowers and are they irregular in size and shape? It could be lymphocystis.
Do you store all of your foods in the freezer including flake and freeze dried? Internal infections are often caused by tainted foods. Purchase foods only in quantities that you will use up within two months. Do you quarantine? When was the last fish added? What do you feed the fish? What are the water parameters?
Beth is right the fish may need to be treated in quarantine with either Maracyn-Two or nitrofurazone.
Terry B

Hi Terry,
No, I have not stored food in freezer and the spots don't seem to be any more than just... plain small spots in little clusters.
He eats Formula One, along with being fed w/the other two tankmates and 2 drops of garlic in the food, once per day (just a small pinch of food)
No fish have been added since May. The water is perfect and other tankmates seem fine. So does the goby, he acts/eats normally.


Staff member
You may need to treat the fish with antibitics if you notice any deterioration in the fish. In the meantime, keep an eye on the situation. If you don't have a QT, now might be a good time to think about setting one up.



Originally posted by Beth
You may need to treat the fish with antibitics if you notice any deterioration in the fish. In the meantime, keep an eye on the situation. If you don't have a QT, now might be a good time to think about setting one up.

Oh I've been wanting to set one up for some time, I will certainly do it now!
This morning, there are less spots on him, he's still eating fine. No labored breathing or odd swimming. Just him being a typical Citron, hopping around from rock to rock.