City Tap water vs. Well water


pa reef pig

Does anyone use Well water from the tap for their reef tank.
I know that both SHOULD be filtered, but which of these would be worse to add straight to a reef tank? City water or Well water? I have Well water and I use a Tapwater Purifier (DI) when I make my change water and make up water. Could I use the Well water from the tap in an emergency?

mr . salty

Active Member
Well water can,and often DOES contain minerals and other harmful chemicals that could easily cause problems in a reef tank.I would avoid using it even in an emergancy.Go to the store and buy a gallon or two if really needed...


I had used my well water for many years with no problems. A few years back a local community drilled a new well(their water was red) and the water table shifted. I no longer can use it, it contains a high amount of phosphates now.
I would test any water that you use, including water that you may purchase.


Well water is less regulated than city water in general. You chance run-off from nearby homes, garages, farms, whatever is nearby. I would definitely NOT use well water unfiltered, and I would also do a quick test on the filtered well water.
Funny thing -- NYC water is so incredibly "clean" that my filter can go over 100 gal before I have to replace it. Tastes good from the tap, too. :) Of course, it comes from "upstate."
I have 4 saltwater tanks and 2 fresh water tanks. and have always used well water and had no problems are lfs told use to test for the iron to see if it is too high so we did and we dont have a problem but are water has so much iron in it are sinks turn orange some times. but they told me that there is also good stuff in well water too and i dont have to worry about clorine.