clam and anemone died???


Ok so Im asleep this morning enjoying my Saturday, and then my phone rings. Its the secretary from my father-in-laws Dr's office asking me if there should be a "crab in the shell thingy in the front of the tank" I was just @ the office on Thursday checking on the tank everything was fine. I come in today and the clam is dead and also one the anemone's...I checked the water level and everything is great, salts fine, no spike anywhere....what could have caused this?????


Active Member
it could hv been anything. without u telling us what ur stocklist and water parameters r, its very hard to give u an answer.


tank mates, size of tank, exact readings on nitrates, nitrites, phoshates, ammonia,PH, temp, exact salitity and specific gravity, also your Lighting Fixture
also what kind of anemone and what kind of clam <--- important