Clam help....


Active Member
i would like to know the best way to repositon a clam. minen has attached to a rock but for its sake i am repositioning it to hopefuly benifit it. how do i uphend its foot without hurting it?
asap would be nice


slowly slide a clean raserblade under its basal disk.cut it as close to the rock as possible. It will probably release itself before you get halfway.


Active Member
the above will work. make sure not to tear!!!! it will kill the clam if you pull to hard. gently move it.
i have heard of people gently rocking it back and forth too. no razor blades involved. however, you have to make sure to do it gently and it can last wnywhere from 5 minutes to an hour.


Active Member
that is a good point wax. when you say it is for the clams sake, how so?
usualy it likes where it attaches. sometimes they could use more light though, but it usualy will like the spot. or is it jsut getting shaded by somethign like a monti-cap?


Its best to just leave them where they are happy. Mine decided it liked to be touching my brain so I just left it there. Ive never seen sweepers and its cant get touched by its feeders so I think it will be fine.


My crocea likes the right side of my tank in the sand against a rock...He has never really atached to the rock. I have moved him a few times. when I place him on the rocks in less than a day he is back in the sand. About 3 months ago I moved him to the other side of the tank on the sand, he slowly worked his way back to his fav spot so there he will stay. The down side is he likes to face away from the front glass...