Clam in a 10g with 36 watts of t5?


Would i be able to house say, a derasa clam, in my 10g with 36w of t5?
BTW its the Current Nova Extreme lights


Active Member
derasa can double or triple in size in a year if conditions r ideal. if u keep the clam near the top, derasa under the light u mentioned is possible. u need a matured tank to really start to keep clams. and in a small 10 gallons, its going to be hard to keep the parameters stable.


Active Member
the light may be just enough but in a 10g you wont be able to keep your parameters stable enough and it will get way to big fo the 10g.


Active Member
crocea clams will stay around 6 inches. with ur t5, u must put it near top to hv a chance.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
the only problem is that it is going to suck all the calcium up quickly in a small tank...
Do you think 10%-20% water changes every week will keep the calcium in check?


What is your current Calcium level?
I would stick to weekly water changes if you are using a salt that mixes to an appropriate level, Reef Crystals or Tropic Marin.
If your NSW doesn't mix to 400+ ppm of Calcium, then you should dose with kalk, or a two part solution.
As for lighting, no matter what clam you get, you should place it as high as possible. Unless you can put it in the top half of the tank, and more towards the center; I would not put a clam in there.