Clam lighting

are clams ok under any kind of metal halide lighting because i have a 125 gallon reef tank with metal halides and would like to add a small clam all advice would be appreciated.
thaks Jake
the lighting is 2 250 watt metal halide lights and 1 actinac vho and 1 floresant buld do you think this will be enough to support clam or two???


Active Member
if ur tank is matured and got proper calcium and alk, then yes. what livestocks do u hv currently? bc some fish or inverts will bother clams.
well i dont have anything in the tank but saltwater and sugar fine sand.but some day i would like to get one for fish and inverts i plan to have one flame angel two false percs one dimond goby blue hippo tang one sail fin tang and a yellow tang
Inverts- A clam or two one fighter conch three emerald crabs hermit crabs snails feater dusters grogonia red octo and maybe a blue linka star
how does that sound
the dimentions are 72 inches long 22 tall and 18 wide
and i have a 75 gallon sump
all advice would be appreciated.
thanks Jake


Active Member
if u currently dont hv anything in the tank except liverocks, i dont think its ready. u need to hv a few fish and inverts to produce waste, and get the bioload started. clams will need bio waste to really thrive.


Flame angles may nip at clam mantles. From what I understand, its kind of one of those watch and see things. The rest of the fish should be good.