clam people.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Lighting aside, I would not recommend having a clam in a tank that small. With PC lights, your options are a deresa or squamosa. They both grow very fast and a healthy clam will out grow a 5 gallon tank in no time. More importantly however, clams need very stable water conditions. Even with an established and well maintained tank, 5 gallons is just too small. JMO
gotcha... your opinion is what im going to go with. Just one more questions however. If I do have good water conditions in the 5 gallon, (I run a penguin mini, about 6lbs LR and some macros sitting in the tank) and I have my dads tank which is established w/ metal halides, could I keep the clam in the 5 til it outgrew the 5 and put it in my dads reef?


Active Member
I agree with the above post.
With PC lights, your options are a deresa or squamosa.
T. gigas would be another choice, however, this would be worse to add to your aquarium due to its size.
Originally posted by midwest reefer
If I do have good water conditions in the 5 gallon, (I run a penguin mini, about 6lbs LR and some macros sitting in the tank) and I have my dads tank which is established w/ metal halides, could I keep the clam in the 5 til it outgrew the 5 and put it in my dads reef?

I would not do that. Such small aquariums will not have stable water conditions (temperature, pH, and Salinity may change quite quickly) and will not suit any tridacnid clam.

nm reef

Active Member
Myself I wouldn't even consider a clam short term in a 5.5 gal nano...way too much potential for problems. I'd simply establish a clam in the larger system if the conditions allow the additions of clams.:yes:


Active Member
I agree with Graham & NM as well. I have a Dereasa that has been under halides for 6 months and it has doubled in size and is growing like crazy! Derasa's can grow up to 24 inches in a captive system!
I feed mine DT's every few days. Its a hipopus though, and from what I was told its the easiest one.
I understand what you guys are saying. Thanks for saving me a potential loss. I will wait til I have room for another. Thanks.


Active Member
I add DTs once a week. As clams mature they become less dependant on suplimental feedings and rely more on lighting.


Active Member
i have two 36" coral life lighting sytems, is that good enough for clams or do i need stronger lighting, my tank is a 210.
also which is the easiest clam to take care of(since i just started on SW tanks)
probably shuoldnt go for a clam yet. especially under those lights. From what I understand they need serious light, like mh and vho(as everyone said above). For later reference, hipopus clams are by far the easiest. Very cheap, easy to care for, I got mine under 130w PC and it does great. 25 $ at the LFS.