clams , maxima? or what

again sorry about all the posts recently but i want to make this new tank real good what clams can i put in a 30long with 144w of lights 2 blue 2 white. and if there are any suggestions on what corals/ fish to put in this tank.


New Member
Yeah! Go ahead. Spend a few clams... get a Nissan! Light blue. hm If it works for you, go for it!


Active Member
I recommend Gigas or Squamosa clams since your light are on the weak side for clams,IMHO.
Clams demand stable water conditions so I don't recommend them for new(less than 6 months) tanks.
i just read that the gigas clams get about 2 meters, would a Triacna squamosa be ok?
or maybe a DERASA 2 incher
[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]
i just bought a 3 inch dersa clam for 15 bucks, i have heard that they will do well under pc then i heard they wont- plus my tank is only like 16inches high