

Active Member
Absolutely gorgeous, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOw many watts per gallon should you have for a clam? We want one so bad but want to give it a comfy home as well. Of course, your pics aren't helping us wait at all.
And OMG, I love the pic with your starfish, it looks like he is trying to hold them up.
Can't wait to see everone else's as well.

nm reef

Active Member
Watts per gal for a clam can be a difficult question to answer...they require intense lighting as a rule....and in general it is best to have adaquate MH lighting for best results. But...I origionally had my squamosa under 4x65 watts of 10K PC's and 2x110 watts of actinic VHO's in a 55 gal. After switching over to 2x400 10K MH's and 2x110 actinic VHO's in my 100 gal display I added the deasa and maxima. In addition to the lighting a mature system with stable water chemistry (especially calcium) is required. I'd urge you to research their needs in detail prior to adding one....they can be kept in less than MH lighting but there is much more to consider than lighting source alone.


I only have one measley clam, not sure of the type...and it doesn't even compare to the pics you have of yours but you wanted to see others so I guess I'm the goes nothing.



Both Of Your Clams Are Awesome I Love Them!!!!!!!!
Connor- if you were refering to the pics I posted, it is the same clam, I only have one...
I wish I had as many as NM, maybe some day. My LFS doesn't sell them very often and I haven't been able to locate any else where.


Active Member
What other advice can you give to someone that'll one day (several years from now) purchase MH lighting and a clam?
What kinda things will cause them stress? Having hermits in the tank bad for them?


i have a 29 gallon with a 24 inch 65 watt powercompact light will that be even close enough for a clam??? plzzzzzzz say yes, they are so cool!!!!


Active Member
Hmmmm...I think it'll be a while til I'm able to keep clams...but man, I sure do love 'em. Can't wait till I can post pics of my own here.
Lisa :happyfish