

I was thinking of getting a Maxima clam or Derasa clam in my reef tank. I had a question about it's saftey. I had gotten some of the cleaner clams and placed 2 in my tank and some in my fuge. The hermit crabs pryed open the shells and attacked the ones in my tank. Would this happen with a maxima or derasa clam? I don't want to spend that much money for a feast for the hermits.


Originally Posted by **guinness**
I was thinking of getting a Maxima clam or Derasa clam in my reef tank. I had a question about it's saftey. I had gotten some of the cleaner clams and placed 2 in my tank and some in my fuge. The hermit crabs pryed open the shells and attacked the ones in my tank. Would this happen with a maxima or derasa clam? I don't want to spend that much money for a feast for the hermits.
Well I've found that hermits are not really necessary.... I will vouch that I've had hermits pick at the mantle of clams in older tanks. I'd definately axe the hermits if you go for a clam.
What kind of lighting do you have?


i am running around 10 watts per gallon in my nano which is where it might go. i have too many crabs in the 90 gallon