


I looking forward to getting some clams. My tank just finished cycleing and I am looking forward to starting my first reef. I would like to make a clam bed. What do I have to do for acclimating clams and what would be a good clam to start with? I will be doing own research but I thought I would start here


If your tank just finish cycling it's too early to start thinking about clams. Need facts: ie tank size, lighting, other intended inhabitants. The easiest clam is the derasea in my opinion. But clams are tricky, they will give little notice of a problems and next thing you know they are dead. There are alot of book out there about clams. I recommend The Reef Aquarium by Julian Sprung and J. Charles Delbeek, all three volumes if you read these books you will gain more knowledge then you will probably ever need about clams, fish, invertabrates and water chemistry. Good luck


Active Member
keeping tridacnic clams in a new setup isnt a good idea. a tank if at least 4-5 month old will increase ur success rate. if u can keep lps and sps, then having clams shouldnt be an issue.


Originally Posted by cherylann
If your tank just finish cycling it's too early to start thinking about clams. Need facts: ie tank size, lighting, other intended inhabitants. The easiest clam is the derasea in my opinion. But clams are tricky, they will give little notice of a problems and next thing you know they are dead. There are alot of book out there about clams. I recommend The Reef Aquarium by Julian Sprung and J. Charles Delbeek, all three volumes if you read these books you will gain more knowledge then you will probably ever need about clams, fish, invertabrates and water chemistry. Good luck
I have 120 gallon tank with 250 watt/ 14000k MH, JEBO 520 skimmer. I was going to put in soft corals, mushrooms, hard corals, carpet anemone. As far as fish and critters: sail fin tang, yellow tang, clowns,bicolor blenny, blue leg hermits, cleaner,coral banded, fire shrimps, sally light foot, snails.
I wasn't going to start on the reef part yet because I am learning before I put them in and I don't have any supplements yet.
I take it clams like a well established tank?


Active Member
You might want to consider nixing the hermits and shrimp off that list; and the sally light foot. At least until the clam has gotten big enough. Once it is big enough, just make sure to keep an eye on size. If anything with pinchers (claws) gets to within 3/4s the size of the clam, there is really no telling what they will do.