Clarification Needed on ASOV & Float Valve

I'm trying to fully understand how an automatic shut off valve & a float valve works.
From what I understand, the asov works by back pressure from the float valve, so when the float valve closes due to the water level filling up, the pure water is trapped in the tubing from the RO unit and the pressure triggers a piston in the asov to come down and stop the water. But from some other readings, it says waste water will still be produced. But if the piston in the asov has stopped the process, where is the waste water coming from and why waste water?
1) Does an ASOV & float have to work together, can they used be separete?
2) So when using asov & float valve, my facuet connected to the RO unit is always on and I just let the asov do the shutting off?
A bit confused....


Active Member
IMO the ASOV and float valve need to be used together to function properly....if you just use a float valve the line is always under pressure per say......You are correct though....the float valve applies back pressure triggering the ASOV to shut off water flow(production) and no you shoudn't get continual water from the waste line.......
And your other question about hooking it up ad leaving it on is correct.....the ASOV will handle need to turn the faucet on and off.