
digital storm

New Member
Been doing research in all my free time for my new 125 Gallon tank, but I need some help deciding on what exactly I need to get this tank up and running...
Obviously need the tank and stand. For filtration I have been looking at the "Red Sea Berlin Skimmer Classic" rated for 25-250 Gallons, which says it can be placed into the aquarium or sump, so that's it? I just place in the filled aquarium and hook up an airline? or am I missing something?
Lighting is done by fluorescent strip lighting that is in the canopy purchased with the tank/stand. Would this be ok until I have the resources to upgrade to a better equipped lighting system such as metal halides? I plan on keeping a few fish along with live rock and sand...
Am I missing anything to get this tank started up? Besides powerheads and misc supplies. Thx!