clarki clowns lok like something's wrong ?


New Member
hello: maybe someone can help me. i have had my tank(30 gallon) up and running fine for 2 months all tests are good. in the tank i have a naso tang, sailfin tang,royal gramma,lyretail orange female anthias, two clarki clowns, banded coral shrimp, and an long tenacle anenome. Everything appears to be fine with all fish and invertes. They all eat well, swim around and are active, i have noticed no unusual aggresion or behavior from any species. My question pertains however to the appearence of my clarki clowns. Both were very vibrant orange in color, with bright white stripes and traces of black, over the past several weeks i noticed them getting progressivly more black and dullish in color, there appears to be some scarring on them which looks almost like a grove on both of them, also near their faces alot of what looks like flaking going on. Is this normal? or has anyone noticed something similar to thier clowns/ like i said they behave very healthy, they just look shabby.
please help?


Active Member
wow ive seen over stocking before but not that bad.
they are probably pissed off because they have no room to swim.
Are'nt clarkis yellow?


I agree i havent seen a better overstocking before.
I use to have a clarkii which was black but i saw yellow ones too. I think males or juvis are black and females or adults are yellow


Active Member
First off...WELCOME :)
Your fish are probably suffering from overcrowding stress as mentioned. If you have a pic, please post it, along with your exact water params and other inhabitants in the disease forum.


Oy, thats 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag. Did you read up before you started dropping fish in a 30?


Active Member
lol i doubt it's real. i really dont think all those kinds of fish would live ok without fighting in a 30


Active Member
If this person is a genuine concerned new hobbyist, they probably just ran away screaming. Obviously, there are some concerns here. But who among us hasn't made newbie mistakes? I thought we came here to share advice and be helpful?
I agree with the newbs dont know thing but i dont think its physicly possible to fit that many fish in that small a tank. lol


Hate to say it again, but yeah, your tank is overstocked. My first suggestion to get your clowns back in shape and keep other fishes from getting sick would be to take a couple out. double check the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH; and if needed, do a small water change.