I want to know if you can mix 1 Clarkii & 1 Percula? I was thinking of getting a Clarkii today then adding a Percula in a week or so. I have the Marine fishes book but its not really clear if this is possable, I did a search & Im even more confused :notsure:
I'd say that it's possible, depending on the size of your tank. But I would recommend adding them together at the same time. You're eventually probably going to have a conflict when they grow larger and mature, unless your tank is large enough.
I have a 60g? I would like to try but if someone knows for sure then I won't bother. I was soposed to get my fish order today but none showed & I had ordered a perc but I saw a real nice Clarkii today & thought maybe I could do both havent bought the Clarkii as Im waiting for advice from here but its slow in coming :thinking: I could add at the same time I could put one in a Q tank or have the lfs keep it till my order comes.