Clarkii Vs. Clarkii


I have a 75 gallon setup, two percs, two damsels & two clarkii, the tank has been setup for about 8 months. All of the sudden my two clarkii are going at it, the one is getting pretty beat up. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
is the one getting beat up smaller? I believe this is how they establish dominance, but not absolute. just keep an eye on them to make sure it doesn't get too out of hand


They are both about the same size, I thought they had paired up, but I guess not. They both had white tips on their their tail fin when I got them, but now only one has the white tip, and he/she is the aggressor. I may quarantine the beat up one if it gets any worse.


If you take it out and then reintroduce it, it may get beat up again. I would leave it in unless it is at the point of dying. These rituals can get pretty violent. As soon as the more dominant one feel the other is not a threat this behavior will stop. It may take a day or two or it may take a week. Just keep an eye on them.


If you take it out and then reintroduce it, it may get beat up again. I would leave it in unless it is at the point of dying. These rituals can get pretty violent. As soon as the more dominant one feel the other is not a threat this behavior will stop. It may take a day or two or it may take a week. Just keep an eye on them.
Also once they pair up you may have another problem on your hands with them fighting with the percs. Just giving you a heads up and something to watch for.


Thanks for the info. The Clarkii is still hanging in there, I thought it was dead a couple of times laying in the rock, and then it swims away. If the beating continues much longer (3 days and counting) I am going to give the aggressor to a buddy of mine, and try and nurse the other back to good health. The Percs have paired off, and I thought the Clarkii had too, but obviously not. The percs stay on their side, and the Clarkii on the other for now.