clean tank???


New to aggressive tanks, what do you guys use to keep your sand clean and stired up? Also any suggestions for keeping glass clean...snails?? Have a picasso and a emperor angel, can gobies co-exist with these guys?


I didn't think the two were a very good match but I bought them from a coworker getting out of the hobby. They will be the only two fish in a 90gal. Is this going to be a big enough tank?? Should I take one to my LFS for store credit on something else? Any help would be appreciated, I want these guys to be happy and healthy. The picasso is 6'' and the imperator is 5''.
well angels are very picky when it comes down to water conditions, and i agree that those two arnt a great combo, i would take it back for store credit, and get somthing else, you can do a lot with a 90


Any suggestions on a tank mate for the Picasso? Are there any other triggers that would work in that size tank and be compatible??


Active Member
look into trochus snails and cowries. yeah take the imperator back if you want to do any agressive tank. if you want a peaceful take the trigger back, the aint gonna mix for long. as for a 90 lunare wrasses and other wrasses stir the sand good. i think dlight said his puffer stirred the sand pretty well. for tankmates look into lions, wrasses, eels, hog fish and puffers. bo


First: Large angels will work in an
aggressive tank but they need a lot of
Second: The problem with ls beds in
aggressive tanks is that the critters
that are used to stir the sand bed
are usually food for the fish in the
tank. In this regard the tusk is a
good suggestion.
Third: Depending on the tank size consider
giving the angel to your lfs in
exchange for a snowflake. No
aggressive tank is really complete
without and eel.


Thanks bobj...I read somewhere that a 55gal was large enough for a picasso if it was the only fish in there. Any opinion on that? I have a 55 that I'm not using, I was wondering if I could go that route and leave the angel in the 90 (of course I'd be adding more fish), also if the 55 is large enough for the trigger could a snowflake go in also?
rite now i have a yellow tang that is awesome with my clown trigger tusk and puffer. the wrasse doesnt do anything for the sand, but the tang eats algae and the puffer does tons for the sand when he eats he sucks in sand and spits it out elsewhere plus a real cool fish. if you do get a yellow tang make sure it is big, mine is 6 inches.


New Member
While a DSB with infauna is desirable in a reef tank, I don't see it's use in an aggressive tank to be beneficial. If the sand indwellers are eaten, there will be nothing to process the waste and detritus which will quickly build up creating a toxic environment. :( In a DSB, the lower areas are anearobic for nitrate removal. If the sand is disturbed to the point of releasing these lower bed toxins, you could have a disaster. I can see a one inch or so bed but I don't see the benefit if it has no critters. When I set up a puffer tank, I will probably go with a shallow bed of CC or sand or no substrate at all. Will a porky be happy in a tank with little or no substrate?