clean u crew suggestions?


ok, i have a 55g with dead rock 3 damsles, 1 clown, and 1 big hairy red legged hermit crab. wat else should/could i get?


Active Member
first, i'd keep an eye on that hermit you have. it's probably going to eat whatever else you may put in there.
i'd start out with 10 astrea snails, 10-15 mixed hermits, 10 nassarious snails, 1 (and probalby only one total) mexican turbo, maybe a bristle star if you notice a lot of detritus in the tank, and an emerald crab or two.
that would be a good start, and you can add snails as you see fit based on algae on the glass and rocks.


Active Member
a lot of the bigger hermits can start eating corals, snails, fish, humans (j/k
) and are not considered safe for tropical tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i'd start out with 10 astrea snails, 10-15 mixed hermits, 10 nassarious snails, 1 (and probalby only one total) mexican turbo, maybe a bristle star if you notice a lot of detritus in the tank, and an emerald crab or two.
Can you add all of this at once or will that cause a bio spike? I am cycling a 55g and need to start thinking of the cleanup crew. I plan on adding the clean up crew first, then fish. Is that the right order?


Active Member
right order, and a cleanup crew generally has little effect on ammonia. if you've cycled correctly, you shouldn't have a problem


Originally Posted by j-j_02
so was it a bad idea to get the hermit?
I had a big hermit in the beginning - he was cool to watch, but he made me really nervous, because I would find him perched on top of my CC Starfish - so I traded him in for 5 tiny hermits. I also have 5 turbo snails and 4 nass snails, and a small lobster in my 50 gallon FOWLR


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
right order, and a cleanup crew generally has little effect on ammonia. if you've cycled correctly, you shouldn't have a problem
Thanks, another question. I bought my tank from a guy who upgraded and it came with 60lbs live sand. I have added base rock and live rock and am cycling now. My ammonia is 0.75 (between 0.50 and 1.0 on the color card). I have 5 snails that hitched along with the sand. Will they die?


Active Member
hit or miss... can you put them into a little bucket till your ammonia goes down? i got about 30lbs of sand from someone and it had sit in the bucket in the garage for a while. i think 4 nass snails survived, and the only shell i found empty was that of a mexican turbo which wouldn't have survived under the sand anyway.


Active Member
Yea, I could put them in a bucket. 4 of them are in the refugium (but of course the ammonia is high in there too) because I didn't want to smash them with the rock. Then this 5th shows up in the DT.
Will they need circulation in the bucket?


Active Member
i'd put some sand and a powerhead if you can. or if you have one of those hang on filters that would be enough.