Clean Up Crew and Triggers



Hey everyone! I am new here, but not to salt water fish. My roommate and I just got a large aquarium, we don't know the actual gallon size yet (we need to measure it) but we think it's about 100g.
She would like to keep a humu trigger so I am planning on a FOWLR tank. Other tankmates may, or may not, include a snowflake eel, a tang (for algae clean up or if we can avoid that, some dwarf angels), some damsels, and a pair of clownfish.
But what am I supposed to do about a cleanup crew? From what I have read, the trigger will destroy any snails and shrimp ... so suggestions please? I was thinking maybe a sea hare or a sea cucumber for substrate, but I am not sure even that will work.
Any help would be appreciated, I have kept reef tanks in the past, so this will be my first FOWLR with aggressive fish.


Hm, I was thinking maybe Nasarrius snails since they stay in the substrate. The only other thing I could think of is maybe a purple lobster.
Do you have any shrimp?


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
You can have a clean up crew you just have to keep adding more to the tank as they get picked off .
lol, that's what I was planning on doing, I will be gone from the tank for about three months and won't be able to monitor it, so I need to get as much information to give my roommate as possible for when I'll be gone.


We have added 150 hermits, several snails, fugettaboutit.... nothing will live
