Clean up crew for a 14g Biocube


Hello Everyone, I am new to Saltwater, I recently purchased a 14g Biocube. I have about 10 pounds of Live Rock, and a little bit of live sand on the bottom. I would like to stock 2 false percula clowns and a fire goby. What kind of clean up crew can/should I place in the tank?


I would get about 15 crabs...5 blue leg, 5 red leg, 3 zebra leg and 2 scarlett reef crabs...i would also add maybe 2 astrea snails and maybe 1 margarita snail or just three astreas... maybe a shrimp for fun too, they add alot of personality.


Active Member
if you wanna get a shrimp get a pep or a cleaner. those are much better as they help your clean up crew. other than that your good with what atrain said


Active Member
Originally Posted by atrain5851
I would get about 15 crabs...5 blue leg, 5 red leg, 3 zebra leg and 2 scarlett reef crabs...i would also add maybe 2 astrea snails and maybe 1 margarita snail or just three astreas... maybe a shrimp for fun too, they add alot of personality.
STAY AWAY FROM THE CRABS. Trust me theyre more trouble in a reef than they are help. Knock over frags. Eat snails if they tip over just a real nusiance! (SP)
Im big on my clean up crews.
10 Nass Sails(Small)
10 Cerith Snails (Small)
4 Astrea/Turbo Snails (Small)
and 1 Margarita (Small.)
Fire Shrimp (I hate cleaner Shrimps!!!)
And for looks 3 sexy shrimp and a Pom Pom Crab
Blazin would tell u to get a fighting conch, but ive nvr had one and my sand is cleaner than his!!


Active Member
Yup, I'm with rebels. I am also crab-free, just snails.
Just get a nice mix some nassarius, astrea, turbos, cerith, etc. I probably have about 15 snails in my BC14
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
STAY AWAY FROM THE CRABS. Trust me theyre more trouble in a reef than they are help. Knock over frags. Eat snails if they tip over just a real nusiance! (SP)
Im big on my clean up crews.
10 Nass Sails(Small)
10 Cerith Snails (Small)
4 Astrea/Turbo Snails (Small)
and 1 Margarita (Small.)
Fire Shrimp (I hate cleaner Shrimps!!!)
And for looks 3 sexy shrimp and a Pom Pom Crab
Blazin would tell u to get a fighting conch, but ive nvr had one and my sand is cleaner than his!!

get the sexy's. they're awesome!


thanks guys your awesome, So those numbers should keep a 14 gal clean and pretty? I am stocking it with 2 false percula clowns and a fire goby. Will the load be too much with a clean up crew that you guys are suggesting. I will definitely stay away from the crabs btw.


Active Member
I only have 4 snails right now lol I had 2 emerald crabs and a pep shrimp too. but gave one crab back and the other died and then my shrimp died. so I have 4 snails now
and they are working there butts off but at least they wont be hungry! I will be putting either another pep shrimp for there aptaisa cleaning ability or a fire shrimp for looks lol
your load doesn't seem to be too bad with just those fish. with just 2 false perc. and I have TONS of extra nutrients lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by SilverDak
I only have 4 snails right now lol I had 2 emerald crabs and a pep shrimp too. but gave one crab back and the other died and then my shrimp died. so I have 4 snails now
and they are working there butts off but at least they wont be hungry! I will be putting either another pep shrimp for there aptaisa cleaning ability or a fire shrimp for looks lol
your load doesn't seem to be too bad with just those fish. with just 2 false perc. and I have TONS of extra nutrients lol
liar liar pants on fire


Active Member
I think your bioload will be fine, I will soon have 3 fish in my BC14. As long as you do regular, weekly water changes I don't see you having a problem. If you are going to get the pair of clowns, I would add them together then wait a month or so then add your firefish. Good luck and take it slow


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I think your bioload will be fine, I will soon have 3 fish in my BC14. As long as you do regular, weekly water changes I don't see you having a problem. If you are going to get the pair of clowns, I would add them together then wait a month or so then add your firefish. Good luck and take it slow

personally i would add the single first first... let it get settled and find some nice hiding spots, then add the clowns. I hear clowns can be very territorial so its best to add them last