Originally Posted by
I would get about 15 crabs...5 blue leg, 5 red leg, 3 zebra leg and 2 scarlett reef crabs...i would also add maybe 2 astrea snails and maybe 1 margarita snail or just three astreas... maybe a shrimp for fun too, they add alot of personality.
STAY AWAY FROM THE CRABS. Trust me theyre more trouble in a reef than they are help. Knock over frags. Eat snails if they tip over just a real nusiance! (SP)
Im big on my clean up crews.
10 Nass Sails(Small)
10 Cerith Snails (Small)
4 Astrea/Turbo Snails (Small)
and 1 Margarita (Small.)
Fire Shrimp (I hate cleaner Shrimps!!!)
And for looks 3 sexy shrimp and a Pom Pom Crab
Blazin would tell u to get a fighting conch, but ive nvr had one and my sand is cleaner than his!!