clean up crew for a 20 gal.


i am planning on starting my 20 in about a month or less, the only 2 inverts i have that are in a 10 are a gold cbs, and 1 astrea snail,obviously i will need more when i switch,does any one know of any good combinations that will keep my 20 algae free? (that get along with the two i own already)i do plan on adding polyps and corals :)


Yes, I have a 20g high. I have turbos and astrea snails 3 of each. I also have a small brown atlantic cucumber and 2 camelback shrimp. If you are doing a sandbed, the cuke will be helpful to have. I am also wanting to add a fighting conch or nassarius (spelling?) snails, but I haven't gotten them yet. Are you going with a SB in your 20?


i got a 20 also. i got 10 asteras, 10 turbos. 3 emerals. 1 sally light foot, 3 serpent stars. 1 sand sifting star, 3 peppermint shrimp, 2 camel shrimp, narcissis snails, bumble bee snails, other snail that are black shelled,5 blue legged hermits, 3 redlegged/yellowed eyed hermits. keeps my tank nice and clean also the snails are reproducing