Clean up Crew for a trigger tank


New Member
What types of snails or crabs can make it in a 150 with several triggers? I need some algae control... I have heard fuzzy chitons, banded turbos from Costa Rica & electric blue-knuckled hermits can survive, most others can't. Let's hear some feedback!


Originally Posted by Crusher70
What types of snails or crabs can make it in a 150 with several triggers? I need some algae control... I have heard fuzzy chitons, banded turbos from Costa Rica & electric blue-knuckled hermits can survive, most others can't. Let's hear some feedback!
NONE !!! they'll eat urchins, snails, crabs, shrimp, starfish, gobies, etc...
i use to have a huma huma trigger and he ate everything i tried to put in, only thing he never bothered was my sand sifting starfish. But eventually i gave him to my lps got a discount on some inverts to clean my dirty tank haha