clean up crew for seahorse reef?


Active Member
ok so i know everyone says seahorse should be a species only tank but i have a huge tank and want to try a little something i want to make half the tank a reef and half an empty space for seahorse the seahorse of course can go over to the other side but im hopeing theyll learn not to being that theyll have plenty of space. so my question i have a 75g and half will be reef i want to know what types of crabs snails hermits and starfish you ppl reccomend to put with these now of course they all have to be lesser aggressive so as to not be constantly attacking the poor seahorse but i really wanna try this ill try over and over and over again with different kinds if i need to i want to see if i can make this work and also how many of each youd reccomend for the tank thanx for the help in advance


I don't know much about seahorses, but I would imagine they have small pea brains & won't learn not to go to the other side...
Just my opinion...


Active Member
yes but thats why i plan to stay away from anything that stings or would be aggressive towards them therefor they should be fine either way i just wanna know about the clean up crew anything i could try anyone have any luck with anything at all mixed witha seahorse?


Active Member
just got a book on seahorses today
snails are good and shrimp kept in pairs are good if they have babies the seahorses can eat them small hermit crabs are ok. certain gobies can be kept with seahorses.


It is recommended to have 20x water turnover in a reef tank. Seahorses, on the other hand, need very low flow. I doubt you'll have much luck.
Why not add a refugium and put the seahorses in there? They'd do well in a 20 high.


Active Member
well it it has a refugium so if it doesnt work out ill try that but all the corals i chose are non aggressive and dont need high flow so if it doesnt work i cn always move the seahorse but of course


Active Member
suggest getting book on them first so you can decide if its really something you want to do book I got called seahorses by frank indiviglio only cost 7.99 ordered it and barnes and noble


you can try shrimps, crabs, brittles and some others , urchins, snails, feather duster worms and some other kinds of worms
thats all i can think of right now

sinner's girl

I'd be careful with some crabs, esp arrow. I've got one and I'm not too sure about him. The others, emerald, decorator and annome don't bother anyone at all. But that arrow.

I'd go with less agressive shrimp, so no cbs. Maybe pepermint? I can't see a snail or urchin bothering a seahorse either. I'd with the urchins that can suck to the glass so you can feed them easier.
I've heard of some stars eatting small or slow or sleeping fish. Keep the star well fed.
Edit, caught the emerald carrying the clam today. Not sure if it did any harm, or what it was trying to do.


Active Member
awsome thanks im looking for all the possible less aggressive things to try and if it doesnt work i always got my back up tank so itll be fine but tomorow ill post a list of what i have at that point ive found quit a few things and a lot of help from you guys also so thanx and tomorow ill post what i think ill try and you can give me oppinions on how many or if you like it or not
thanx again


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
I'd go with less agressive shrimp, so no cbs. Maybe pepermint?
I'd skip shrimp altogether. I've got peppermint and they aren't aggresive towards tankmates, but they are aggresive eaters. Your seahorses would die of starvation with them (peppermints) in the tank.


Active Member
how about the fire shrimp? arnt they very un agressive shrimps would that be doable, and also i have picked a list of fish to put in this tank its a 75g tank let me know if im going overboard and if so what to cut and they all will hopefully do ok with seahorse heres the list
1-Lawnmower blenny
2-Green mandarin Goby
3-banded pipefish (2-3)
4-False Ocellaris Clown (2)
5-Clarkii Clown(2)
is that ok for fish with the two seahorse?
cleanup crew
1-Nerite snail (1)
2-Tiger Cowrie (1)
3-Tonga Nassarius Snail (1-2)?
4-Astrea Snail (1)
5-Abalone (1)
6-Dwarf Zebra Hermit(3)
7-Mexican red leg hermit (3)
8-Scarlet Hermit (1-2)?
9-Decporator Crab (1)
10-Emerald Mythrax Crab (1)
11-Anemone crab(1) is this ok without anemone? should i even get it?
12-Fire shrimp (1)
13-feather dusters (2)
and are starfish ok and if so
1-Blue linkia sea star(1)
2-Orange linkia starfish(1)
so thats it so far and as far as the corals go im getting only low current needing corals that also have minimal light requirements and i found quit a few that would work for this so is this all ok with the seahorses or ok for a 75g tank or am i just dreaming lol any help please and thanx everyone

sinner's girl

No linkas! they will starve to death in 18 months or less. They need a huge tank and tons of lr, thier diet is unknown, most will not spot feed.

Also, I don't think it's a good idea to mix clowns in a small tank (half of 75 is small). I was told I should have two pairs in my 75gl.
8 fish in half a 75gl is too many imo. I don't feel like looking up to see if those fish are compatable. Ger Marine Fishes by Michael, or maybe someone else will answer.
I can't tell you if they will get along with seahorses. I don't know.


Active Member
well theyd have the whole tank technically if the corals dont bug them whitch the ones i picked shouldnt anyways.. and im thinking against the clowns now anyways cuz i actually got a couple of seahorse yesterday as my first fish so theyll get established and eating before anything else and they really are insanely slow eaters lol id never seen that before but they against the clowns for now anyways. and ill go without the linkia stars i guess but i thought they ate the film algie on rocks and i have like 45 pounds of empty live rock thats been sitting in the tank for months now with nothing else so if thats the case and they do eat that shouldnt they be ok? maybe one? idk let me no if thats stupid or not


I used nassarius snails, turbo snails, astrea snails and small hermit crabs as a clean up crew in my old seahorse tank successfully. I would avoid the shrimp only because they got aggressive during feeding time and would eat most of the shrimp before the horses got to it. Also, they would try to clean the seahorses and the horses would get freaked out. Seahorse can tolerate more flow that 5x hour as long as there are areas of less flow for them to hang out. I ran about 10x hour flow with some of it directed towards the surface of the water. I also kept soft, non-aggressive corals in the tank successfully.

sinner's girl

a Linka needs like a 100gl take with like 150lbs lr min. But no one knows what they eat. So no, that wouldn't really be okay.
Also, i hope this isn't a new tank. seahorses should be in an established tank.


1-Lawnmower blenny
2-Green mandarin Goby
3-banded pipefish (2-3)
3-4 seahorses (what specie are you conseidering)
cleanup crew
1-Nerite snail (1)
3-Tonga Nassarius Snail (1-2)?
4-Astrea Snail (1)
5-Abalone (1)
6-Dwarf Zebra Hermit(3)
7-Mexican red leg hermit (3)
8-Scarlet Hermit (1-2)?
9-Decporator Crab (1)
10-Emerald Mythrax Crab (1)
11-Anemone crab(1) is this ok without anemone? should i even get it?
12-Fire shrimp (1)
13-feather dusters (2)
you can try brittle star (it may eat some hermits , snails shrimpsect and other smaller things)
Crownies are known to be agressive


i have a pink button brittle star in my tank w/ a false percula, and i wouldn't put either of them in w/ a seahorse. the brittle star has killed the one and only shrimp i've tried to put in there, and the clown is the biggest pig you've ever seen. he will take food from the starfish when i spot feed him, just to take it and let it go, even when he's not hungry.