Clean up crew in an agressive?? Any Ideas?


Active Member
Well, I have a pretty established 155 bowfront with quite a few agressives in it....Its been running for about 2-3 years with some fish from the beginning and the latest one added prolly half a year's what I have
Clown Trigger
Niger Trigger
Emp Angle
Lunare Wrasse
Sunset Wrasse
Powder Brown Tang
File Fish
Harlequin Tusk
and 3 damsels
I was just wondering if i could add some turbo snails or something that would survive my babies and clean up some of the algae that grows on the glass and rocks. I've tried all kinds of stuff from crabs to little snails to ghost shrimps. But either they pick on my fish or my fish pick on them....I cant seem to find a happy middle ground for my babies...I'm thinking no because well, quite frankly...they've all ended up as lunch or dinner...but I've had a couple people tell me those big ole snail would I wrong?? or do they just not know my fish??? And babies will bite your fingers if you put it in the tank...they LOVE to play rough...
Any Suggestions????
O......and for you guys that think i'm overstocked.....I agree....but until my cousin finishes cyclin his tank i'm keepim em all...HAHAHAHA (evil laugh)
Besides I'm runnin:
about 250 lbs of live rock...1600gph return pump, 55 gal fish tank converted fuge with bioballs, dsb, skimmer, chaet0, lr, uv light, and I change my water every 3-4 weeks instead of 5-6 weeks like b4.


Active Member
to be honest probably not for a long time but if you add enough and feed your fish well they will last long enough to get the job done.I have to restock my reef every few months for snails and hermits cus my flame hawk eats my agressive i dont bother with them I have no need for a clean up crew anymore