clean up crew in supm?


Active Member
I got to wondering if I could add some crabs or anything else to my sump to help with any detrititus in there. sorry if I posted in the wrong section.


depending on what equipment you have in there, you do not want these inverts getting sucked into your pumps..causing them to break or malfunction....if nothing else you should def make it a regular part of your aquarium maintenence to siphon out the detrius that builds up in your sump instead of allowing it to break down and pollute your system. hope that helps some, and good luck!
Originally Posted by Tankgeeks
depending on what equipment you have in there, you do not want these inverts getting sucked into your pumps..causing them to break or malfunction....if nothing else you should def make it a regular part of your aquarium maintenence to siphon out the detrius that builds up in your sump instead of allowing it to break down and pollute your system. hope that helps some, and good luck!

If you have a good enough setup than you should be fine adding livestock to your sump. I have nssarius snails in mine to clean up the detritus.