clean up crew packages / good idea?


New Member
I have a 55gal old school tall octagon aquarium that has been going for almost a month now. all the water parameters where checked out by the LFS, so we added 4 hermits, 3 nassarius snails, cb shrimp and a Pygmy Angelfish. there's a total of 58lbs of liver rock and so far they are all very happy and seem to get along fine. the shrimp hates everyone and I'm pretty sure he ate a snail. we also had a lawnmower blenny who lived for 2 weeks then turned a deep black, died and the shrimp pulled him apart.
but the reason for my post I was considering buying a clean up crew package from this website and I was considering the 20+1. are these a good idea? I personally love watching the hermit crabs more than the fish.
future plans are to add a few more very peace full fish and that's about it.
if that is something I don't need can anyone point a guide of what I need for a 55gal?
thanks so much,


Active Member
clean up crews are a good addition to a tank to help with detrius, un eaten food etc. i don't think you can ever have too many snails but you need to be careful with hermits. they can kill your snails and take their shells.
as far as future want to stay with the smaller fish because your tank is tall and not long. a tall tank doesn't benefit fish because they have less swimming room in the tank. you might want to try a firefish or a goby.


I have to second everything dmjordan said especially the hermits if you have to have them get more shells of all different sizes and they will be less likely to go after your snails.


lol. i bought the a reef package from this site and got like 25 hermit crabs and found one wearing my queen conch shell($9.99). I have a veritable snail shell graveyard in my tank now.


Active Member
i think mine killed a turbo snail.. every once in awhile one will get in its shell but then climb back out into its own... i love watching them do this... any how... i have a 20gal long, how many hermits should i have... i what 3 tiny blue legs and 5 bigger red legs now...