Clean up Crew question


I have a stars and stripes, a blue jaw trigger, a huma huma trigger, V-tail grouper, snowflake, and green wolf eel.......what would be the best combo for a clean up crew???


you, a scrub brush, a bucket, and a hose lol
J/K thats a hard one for me but some of your inhabitants may think a clean up crew was an evening snack
I hope someone knows a for sure answer for this because I've wanted an aggresive setup for a while but not sure the best way to maintain, other then water changes


You should try the red starry hermits, they get as big as a softball. You would probaly have to ask your LFS to order some. Becareful you need watch out for the hermits eating fish.


New Member
I have a huma and pocupine puffer in a 100 fowlr. Both are a good size. Before transferring them into that tank, I had a clean up crew of about 60 hermits, a mix of blue legs and red legs, 4 queen conches, 4 turbos and 10 nassarius snails. I took a gamble and all were gone within a couple of months. Since then, only a handful of the larger red legs survived. They don't roam the tank like they used to during the day, but at night they do come out. All I could recommend would be water changes with RO water, scrubbing pads, a magfloat, and a scraper. You could re-stock the tank occassionally but that would only provide temporary help.


thanks for the help, I figured I wouldn't be able to get much, I will go to my LFS and see about the red starry hermits....I guess i was just hoping!