clean up crew question



I am still waiting for my tank to cycle, but prepping up on what i am going to do afterwards. I am looking at the cleanup crew specials on this site and have a question...
I have been hearing that once my tank is cycled, the best thing to do is stock my tank very slowly. only one live thing a week is considered "best practice"
But if i get one of the cleanup crew specials, i would be adding up to 50-100 live things all at once...
since most of these living things are very small, i guess it shouldnt be much of a straign... or am i asking for alot of fall out and missery of waiting for my tank to settle down again after adding so many things at once that die off.
Or is it best to go to the LFS and get only a few things at a time.. 5 crabs one week.. two small shrimp next week, 5 more crabs week after, then a tang the following, etc....
thanks for all your help.


The stock your tank slowly mainly refers to adding fish. You don't want to add say 5 fish at once because this would cause a strain on your bio load. To add a clean up crew from this site for your tank size is a ok with no problems. As long as your tank has finished the cycle and NO ammonia reading at all.


Active Member
Don't forget, your cleanup crew needs food too. If it's very clean with no algea and you dump a bunch of snails and hermits in, what are they going to eat?
I think it's better to add a few at a time and note their progress. If they're not keeping up with the algea growth then continue to add.
Just my $.02
Good Luck!


very interesting... can i have your .02 on what kind of cleanup crew you would put in a tank with my specs?


Active Member
elan; somehow I missed your tank specs.
How big, what filtration, how long setup and what do you plan to keep?


i would love to end up with alot of coral and a few small fish. and with the least amount of maintenance.
things i would like to get in the future are:
more lights
and i am now considering a deep sand bed but still have to figure out what it is, how it works, how much money, and how much upkeep.