clean up crew/ sand mixers


I need a clean up crew/sand mixers
However, I have a sfe and a dwarf fuzzy
The sfe is really good about only eating off a stick!!(ok at least so far)
I was interested in several green brittles, what about cucumbers, or larger hermits?
I have a 110g with about 2" sand and approx 100lbs lr


Active Member
hermits and snails, since most things w/o a shell will get eaten, i did have a emerald crab w/ two sfes, a lion, a sailfin tang (dont u newbies get any ideas) and a lemon butterfly. the emerald only got eaten when he died.


Id recommend nassarius snails and brittle stars for sand sifting, then astrea or turbo snails for algae cleanup. Lions and eels wont really bother many inverts, only shrimp and crabs really. I had a snowflake eat an emerald crab within hours of adding it, and Ive witnessed my lionfish suck hermits out of their shells and swallow a sally lightfoot crab whole.
Basically, snails, starfish, urchins, and sea cucumbers will be completely ignored by lions or eels.