clean up crew ........ suggestions?

I'd like to add some clean up crews this weekend. I've been thinking maybe some small hermit crabs, but the ones that are considered safe. My main concern though, is my sandsifter starfish. My last hermit was a mean one who started chewing at his arms & legs, so I took that one back. Are there any safe hermits, such as the blu-legged or red-legged ones? I really like hermits! Cool addition.
I'd also like to get maybe a coral banded shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, or a fire shrimp. I think they are cool, too ....... ANy thoughts on these, and would they be safe with the starfish and hermit?
And, then, maybe a few snails? Or is this not a good idea with hermits?
I'd like some 'diversity' in my tank ....... :)


Active Member
i got all snails and some fighting conchs, and a pair of cleaner shrimp, the cleaners willll mix fine with the fire shrimp
if you are planning on a coral banded, i would only get them(for shrimp), often(not always) they have been known to be slightly terrritorial and kill other shrimps in the tank(and not just one, but most or all), some have had success with them, but it is probably 50/50 or less
i can't tell you whether the hermits would bother your star or notso i can't help with that one
Scarlet crabs are well known for being docile and totally safe for reef, invert, fish environments. Blue-Legs have a reputation for killing snails for the shell to move into but I have never heard them going after a starfish. Emerald crabs are another docile critter that will benefit your tank without any risk. Coral Banded can be quite aggressive towards other inverts and they may cause you a problem. From what I have heard, and research it to be sure, is that the following are the safer ones to get...
Scarlet Hermit
Emerald Crabs
Cleaner Shrimp
Turbo Snails
Possible conflicts with other inverts...
Blue-Leg Hermit
Coral Banded Shrimp
Blood/Fire Shrimp
Mantis Shrimp <-God's curse to aquariums


Astrea snails are hardy, check out halloween hermits, look great, but most of all, be original. I have sally lightfoot crabs. Cleaner shrimp are great, they will climb onto your hand to eat, not afraid of anything.