clean up crew


Active Member
i posted this in the nano section since my tank is a nano and got no replies so i thought ill try here
i have a 24 gallon nano with 30lbs of live rock and 20 lbs of live sand. right now i have about
28 blue leg hermits (dont know where most of them are)
2 turbo snails (pretty big)
12 astrea snails
2 cleaner shrimp
1 emarld crab (dont know where that is)
1 peppermint shrimp (dont know where that is either might be dead havent seen it for a while)
i had a recent outbreak of cyano and they said that one of the reasons might be because of a not good enough clean up crew. what else do i need? i was thinking
6 blue leg hermits
1 peppermint shrimp
6 astrea snails
1 feather duster
3 scarlet hermit crabs
whats your opinion?


if you have a cyano outbreak, get a fighting conch. It should help, but you'll need to look into what is causing the cyano - nitrates, phosphates, lighting, etc....