Clean up crew


I have a 75 gal. fish only tank. If I bought a clean up crew package is it okay to put that much into your tank all at once? The packages are pretty big. Do you think they will have enough to eat? I'm looking at blue legged hermits, emerald crabs,sally lightfoot,scarlet crab,feather duster,flame scallop,camelback,cleaner shrimp,mexican turbo snails. I would also like another fish. Will any of these bother my fish? I now have a clown,royal gramma,and blue hippo. Thanks!


Do you have lr? Lr coupled with what your fish leave and any algae, I think would do ok. That does sound like an awful lot though--guess you won't have an fo for long huh? Perhaps we need a new acronym--fowcc although if in fact you do have lr then we'd have to call it a---fowlracc
Fish only with live rock and cleaning crew. maybe just for shits and giggles I'll run down to the lfs and ask for help with my "fowlracc" just to see the looks I get.
Do you really have a big algae problem, or are you looking for something to pick up after your fish? I assume that's why you're buying it. I would just buy a few individuals as opposed to the million they send in those packages, but then again I imagine they put them together like that for a reason. I know they set them up size specific.
How's that for a very elaborate way to say I Don't know.
That's my proverbial .02 worth. Or my best "educated" guess.


Thanks for the reply! I guess I should just get a little bit. No, I don't have lr yet. I am not sure what to do with my tank yet. The more I read the more confused I am about lighting and lr and what sand to use. I guess I better get on the ball and figure it out before I buy anything else. Thanks again for the help.