clean up crew


does a clean up crew enjoy eating diatoms?? because i ahve a hole bunch of them and thinking about buing a clean up crew mabe 5 snails and 10 bluelegs.(ill buy more later) i have a 44 gal tank. and does a peppermint shrimp eat all types of samall anemonies? does it eat zoos polips xenas or mushrooms??


Active Member
Spend the money on a larger clean up crew. Its worth it. For my 46 i got 10 nassarius snails, 10 turbo/astreas, 1 mexican turbo, 20 blue leg hermits, 2 emerald crabs. The peppermint shrimp wont eat zoos. Not that i have seen or heard. For the diatoms i hear cerith snails love them. I would look into getting some of those also.


I have a dogfaced puffer. He has eliminated all my snails & emerald crabs. I have algea out the ying-yang. I change water frequ & have a protein skimmer...bak pak dual pack. I have 50 hermits, but they are deminishing. Anything for his amusement~
I am thinking of an urchin to help with glass...Any suggestions for a crew that has no shell????


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquapro_1
Blue hermit eat algea. diatom eaters are the astrea, trochus & mexican snails!!
and cerith snails.


arent diatoms algea??(brown algea??) what about the blenies?? do they eat diatoms? dont turbo snails eat diatoms?


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
arent diatoms algea??(brown algea??) what about the blenies?? do they eat diatoms? dont turbo snails eat diatoms?
It snot really algae. Its a lil complicated. google diatoms and youll get lots of info. turbo snails may eat them. cerith snails will destroy diatoms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
wat bout a lawnmower blenie what does he eat?>
They are algae eaters. If regular algae growth is not available you will need to put algae sheets in there. They are known to nip at SPS corals. So if you have any i wouldnt recommend it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
so they will nip at zoos,polyps,and mushrooms??
They could nip at corals like acropora or montipora. sps hard corals. you should be ok with shrooms and zoos. but monitor him just to be sure.