Clean-up Crew


Hey guys. So I checked out the nano clean up crew on SWF. It comes with
Scarlet Hermit Crab:5
Blueleg Hermit Crab:5
Turbo/Astrea Snail:10
Nasssarius Snail:5
Queen Conch - Aquacultured:2
Cleaner Clam:2
This seems like too much for a 14 gallon aquarium. Any input would be appreciated? What do I need, or in what quantities?
Thanks and Happy Holidays!

payton 350

that doesn't look at all to bad....maybe only 2 turbo's and the conch's don't know much about them or have any so can't help you there...also if you don't have any algae in the tank this critters won't last very you may want to wait a bit


New Member
I ordered this package about 3 weeks after my tank cycled. I had a pretty good stand of hair algae from the cycle. Within 3 days all of the algae was gone and has not returned. within a week of all the algae being gone I lost one conch and one astrea. then a few days later another astrea until I only had 5 astrea snails and those five seem like they will make it for the long haul. I really like the nassarius snails but I have a sandy bottom and that is where they like to be. I really liked the conchs but I witnessed the hermit crabs murdering my last one last week so I would leave them off. I would say this package minus 5 astrea and the two conchs and you should be good.


Originally Posted by Highside
I really liked the conchs but I witnessed the hermit crabs murdering my last one last week so I would leave them off. I would say this package minus 5 astrea and the two conchs and you should be good.
That's funny. I bought the same package and the hermits devoured both my queens within 3 weeks! I liked them as well since they clean the sand and help move it around. I also liked seeing those eyeballs sticking out of the shell like periscopes

If you do get the package, don't be surprised if your cleaner clams disappear. They bury themselves! I was really bummed when they did that. Oh, and don't sweat the turbo/astria snails. They're only one inch and are very active both day and night cleaning the tank glass and rock as well as the powerheads and tubing. As a matter of fact, all the critters are small none being over an inch (except the clams). The bluelegs hang out at the bottom in the sand helping the sand shift and the redlegs hang out in the rock. At least in my tank they do.