clean up crew


Based on previous advice, I believe my tank has about completely cycled and I am almost ready to add fish. I already have 2 clowns in a temporary tank, but I was previously advised to add my cleanup crew first, which I'd like to do.
Problem...??? My tank is almost pristine! No algae, nothing!
I did take a sample to lfs for testing and my readings were as follows:
pH 8.0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10
Ammonia .25
And what cleanup crew would ya'll suggest for a 37g tank?
All help is much appreciated!


At this stage, there are probably lots of things you can't see that a clean-up crew can munch on...however it may be best to wait until your ammonia is at zero. When you feel you are ready, I believe has cleanup crew packages designed for your tank size.
Have fun and good luck!!


Are there any suggested amount of inverts per tank like say one per gallon? Also do they live off the waste in the aquarium or do you need to supplement their diet with food? Thanks.


I was wondering the same do they live off the waste or supplement their diet?
Most of the inverts offered in the packages from SWF feed on leftover food, algae, waste and of course anything that dies in your tank. Snails will scavenge your glass, live rock and even equipment that has algae growing on them. Shrimp and crabs will feed on algae as well but will also eagerly chow on leftover fish food that settles to the bottom. I have a peppermint shrimp that for whatever reason loves to eat brine....rather ironic but he's healthy and happy.