Clean up Crew???

Hello all. I have a 14 gallon Bio-Cube with 2 firefish right now. MY question is regarding the proper cleanup crew for this tank. What do you guys think as far as the proper # of snails, hermits etc??


Active Member
I have three turbo snails in my 3 gal pico. Since your is about 4X larger then mine, I would do about 12 turbo snails.
If you have lots of LR in there, you could get mabe a small brittle star to eat the waste in it.


thats alot of snails IMO. i would go with 3 turbo snails,
3 nasarius snails (sp?) for LS
and about 5 hermit crab.. if you have corals make sure all is reef safe first.
correct me if im wrong about this..


Active Member
you don't have to go crazy with the cleanup crew. it's up to your personal preference.
if you expect lots of uneaten food hitting the sand bottom, then get the nassarius snails, but otherwise, they don't eat you might need to suppliment their feeding.
my turbo snails are about the size of a golfball. i would not have alot of these in a 14 gallon tank. they will knock over and re-arrange everything, every night.
i don't even like the hermit crab idea. i think they are poor at cleaning up anything, and they can, and most likely will, kill your snails occasionally for their shells.
i suggest you pick and choose what you want carefully. things you will want to enjoy watching, and things that are more a pleasure, than a nuisance.