Clean Up Crew


New Member
I need to know what clean up crew to use in my 135 reef? Right now I only have 2 yellow tangs, 2 blinnys, 4 mexican snails, and 8 turbo snails. I have no corals right now just live rock but eventually I'll start adding corals. Would you recommend one of the packages at SFC if so which?
I highly reccomend the packages from I have gotten two so far. I picked according to what I wanted. I did not want a horseshoe crab or an arrow crab, so that eliminated those packages.
The second time I ordered I did the u-pick stuff. I moved up from a 55 to a 105 gallon and wanted some specific items. You can't beat the free shipping, the prices are better than my LFS and they have a guarantee.
I specified the day I would be home to take delivery and they shipped accordingly. Everything arrived live, I acclimated according to thier detailed instructions and all is well.
BTW I placed the order Friday night after they closed, for delivery yesterday. They e-mailed me Monday to let me know they could ship, but were out of two things I ordered. Asked if I wanted substitutions. I e-mailed substitutions back Monday night. Tuesday they were ready to ship and didn't have the things I wanted for subtitiutions, they called the house, got my pager number off the answering machine and paged me. That is good customer service IMHO. I got my order yesterday at 10:10 as promised.
They get a 10 in my book, I will definitely continue to order from them.


New Member
Thank you for the advice. You are right about their prices, because they are cheaper than my LFS. So which packages should I choose from? Or should I choose the clean-up crew according to the tank sizes they recommend on the SFC? Because I was reading some of the comments on SFC saying the blue crabs would eat the shrimps and snails so I would hate to by 30 blue legs and they kill my shrimps and snails. Or is it just the luck of the draw. humm


Active Member
You gotta watch hermit crabs of any kind. They are not a must have in a clean up crew. Blue legs and red legs are especially aggressive. Use caution adding any to your tank.
Emerald crabs, mexican turbos, turbos, astrias, serpent stars, banded coral shrimps, cleaner shrimps, peppermint shrimps are all good cleaners. I would add a few of everything, but only 1 bcs.