clean-up crew


I have a 30gal with LR and an ocellaris clown. It has been up now for about a month and has finished cycling. It has gone through a small diatom bloom and is just about over. I am expecting the green algae any day now.
I want to order the $75 u-build-it clean-up crew from swf. But, will this be too much overload for my young tank? Here is what I would like to get (any suggestions on this list would be appreciated as well).
10 scarlet hermits
2 emerald crabs
1 cleaner shrimp
10 astrea snails
2 trochus snails
1 queen conch (would the fighting conch be better?)


Active Member

Originally posted by glinton
10 scarlet hermits
2 emerald crabs
1 cleaner shrimp
10 astrea snails
2 trochus snails
1 queen conch (would the fighting conch be better?)

I wouldn't get the scarlet crabs
You only need 1 emerald
Get lots of snails, more than you think you will ever need ( 30 total of differnt species )
Yes good call, get the fighting conch for sure, and just one on them as well.


Should I buy blue leg hermits instead of the scarlets?
What about peppermint shrimp? Maybe 1 or 2 of those as well?
Thanks for the advice!


Active Member
Personally I don't like hermits in general. Snails do the trick and are less agressive. I wouldn't add and shrimp either, sorry to bust your bubble. They aren't hardy and your tank hasn't been up that long.......Persoanlly I don't like these either unless you have some aptasia. Just stick with snails and you can't go wrong. Remember you don't have to have every bit of scrape and waste eaten up, that why you have a DSB....actually it needs some organics to thrive.