Clean up crew


I've read many posts on clean up crews ... when I am ready to order my crew, I was looking into the the 20-55 reef package (first package on SWF) for a 55 gal FOWLR. Will this be enough, or at least a good start? Also, will I be able to just add them all at the same time? (of course when my tank has completed cycling) Thanks!
Just in case you don't wanna search for the package, it has:
20 scarlet reef hermits
20 blueleg hermits
20 turbo/astrea snails
1 sally lightfoot
2 brittle stars
1 coral banded shrimp
3 emerald crabs
(i would possibly add a couple scarlet cleaner shrimp too)


IMO the clean up crew packages are too big for a new tank. Placing that amount of clean up crew into a tank that really has nothing to clean up after is a recipe for unneeded livestock death.
My 55 currently has 12 red legs, 1 zebra, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 brittle star, and 1 turbo snail - they do a very adequate job of cleaning, as my tank matures I have been adding livestock. I started with 5 hermits and 5 snails, all the snails but 1 died due to starvation after the inital algea bloom was consumed.
Take it slow, start off with just a small amount of clean up crew, and increase the amount of clean up crew as your tanks bio load dictates.


I agree completely these packages are too big and seem to mix new tank cleaners with items best left for adding once the tank is mature. another problem is a clean up crew that mixes blue leg hermits and snails. the blue legs will take out your snails first thing. just buy a good mix (Trouchas, Cerith, nassarius, strombus, stometella, ect) of different snails 15 - 20 should do nicely for a start, and add 10 scarlet hermits. then as your tank matures you can add additional clean up crew members like brittle stars, sally's, and shrimps if you like them. One thing to not forget about is the detrivores. You need to make sure your tanks sand bed is alive with worms and pods.


I'm new also. How do I get a sand bed to be full of worms and pods? Did these come in the bag of live sand I used to start up my tank. How do I know what worms and pods are good for my tank.


Reb, it depends on the brand of LS you have, some are better than others. You can buy a detrivore kit, I don't think I am allowed to say where, you can try a search.


Worms and Pods will have hitchhiked in on your LR. And depending on what brand or type of LS you purchased you may have got them with the LS also. Did you by a bag of natures ocean LS? If so then this sand is just live in the sense it is full of beneficial bacteria. It's a good product just doesn't have any critters in it. There are several places on the net to by detrivore kits. I would list them but am not 100% sure on the rule about listing links to other vendors as the rules seem to constantly change here. Do a search or email me and I will give you the info


I just added this same clean up crew to my tank that has been running for about 3 months I have noticed that my shrimp and brittle stars have been eating my scarlett crabs when they try to change shells, what do I feed them besides the algee i put in ? Do any one else have this problem.



Originally posted by Kdwinn357
I just added this same clean up crew to my tank that has been running for about 3 months I have noticed that my shrimp and brittle stars have been eating my scarlett crabs when they try to change shells, what do I feed them besides the algee i put in ? Do any one else have this problem.

Brittle stars and shrimp eat meaty foods as well as algea - they are scavengers and if they are hungry will become hunters, a hermit crab out of its shell is a great treat - do you only feed the tank algea? What type of fish do you have and what do you feed them? You really should try spot feeding the brittle star and the shrimp if you are not feeding the tank enough food (which it sounds like is happening)
I feed a mixture of Formula One frozen and Prime Reef frozen, and occasionally frozen brine, I haven't had my star or shrimp touch any of the other livestock.


Active Member
Also a good source for worms & pods is visit your lfs and ask for a couple scoops of the rubble on the bottom of thier curing tanks, This is always reccomended by either kip/bang guy. I did this and placed this stuff in my fuge. A week later my disp tank was crawling with these little bugs. A week later bristle worms and pods everywhere! Good stuff & most lfs wont charge much for this stuff, if anything at all.